Reflective glass, (also named solar control coating glass, or heating reflective coating glass), is a kind of coated glass that has a specific thin film deposited by the online CVD (chemical vapor deposition) method. It can change the optical performance of the floating glass and generate the required reflective color.
The reflective glass allows sunlight to pass through a window or facade while radiating and reflecting most of the sun's heat. Compared to using ordinary glass, the interior space remains bright and cool. The thicker the glass, the less light comes through the window. Reflective glass reduces solar heat gain and provides high levels of natural light for a comfortable and pleasant living and working environment.
As características do vidro reflexivo incluem:
Aparência:O vidro refletivo dá ao edifício uma aparência-de espelho. Os revestimentos estão disponíveis em prata, cobre, ouro e tom de terra. Eles podem ser combinados com vidro colorido para dar uma aparência bonita ao edifício.
Visibilidade:O vidro reflexivo permite que você veja através do vidro de um lado, mas não do outro.
Economia de energia: Because it reflects and absorbs the sun's rays, reflective glass reduces the amount of solar radiation that enters the building. This can save money in heating and air-conditioning costs.
Conforto:O vidro reflexivo reduz as variações na temperatura interior de um edifício.
Migo Glass has produced reflective glass on euro bronze, golden bronze, euro grey, blue grey, crystal grey, ford blue, and french green.